Thursday, February 1, 2007


Did you know......Your name, address, credit score and even 7-digits of your social security number are being sold by credit bureaus to any business willing to pay for it????

The only way to avoid the sale of this personal information is to officially OPT-OUT of the program by visiting

and following the instructions to do so. When you get to the website, you will choose to do one of three things:
(1) opt-in to the program (if you previously opted out, you can opt-in)
(2) opt-out for a period of 5 years
(3) opt-out permanently

The website is maintained by the credit bureaus and has a "sales pitch" giving you all the reasons why you shouldn't opt-out, but you can and should if you do not wish to have your information sold.

Oh, by the way...If you were buying or selling a home, or had a friend or family member who was, do you have a Realtor you would refer them to? I would like to apply for that job! Just give me a call or email, thanks!

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